If you’re in school to become a Registered Nurse, or possibly thinking of switching to a new specialty, here are a few fast-growing specialties that will be hiring rapidly in the next few years.
Trauma Nurse
The trauma specialty focuses on caring for someone who is unstable or in critical condition. They generally administer pain medications or treat wounds.
Acute Care Nurse
These nurses specialize in caring for patients with chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, epilepsy, or kidney disease, and who generally need specialized medical care.
Informatics Nurse
These nurses assist healthcare companies with data and communications. They have medical knowledge as well as computer science and analytics. The goal of an informatics nurse is to increase the efficiency and efficacy of the medical field, enhancing patient care, speeding up diagnostic times, and cut costs within hospital systems.
Nurse Educator
Nurse educators are responsible for teaching nursing students or nursing assistants either in schools or for nursing refresher courses. They may also conduct research to aid the nursing field.
Geriatric Nurse
Geriatric nurses are those who care for the elderly. This position can often be complex, as you may need to work with hospice, family members, social workers, home carers, or other healthcare professionals.
Cardiac Nurse
Cardiac nurses care for patients affected by heart-related issues, and work on developing treatment plans and even assisting in surgeries such as bypasses, angioplasties, or pacemaker operations.
ED Nurse
Emergency Department nursing is a fast-paced subspecialty, in which nurses evaluate and stabilize patients. These nurses are focused on administering medication or tending to wounds.
Ready to look at some of the subspecialties we’re hiring for? Take a look here.