If you’re in the medical field, you know that there are a multitude of degrees, certifications, and classes that can take your career to the next level and boost your pay. If you’re an RN, you might consider pursuing an FNP degree, or if you’re a limited scope radiographer or limited technician, you might consider a 2-year ARRT degree. But are you ready to move up? There are a lot of factors to take into account, such as the price of tuition, or the time and effort that it will take. Read on to find out if you’re ready!
1. Do you have the time?
The number one factor that you need to take into account is your time. If you’re currently juggling work alongside a number of other responsibilities and you have little to no free time, you might not be ready to pursue more education. But if you find yourself with extra time that you’re willing to give up (like a few days off per week), then you’re good to go!
2. Do you have the energy?
If you’re exhausted by life right now, it may not be the right time to add more to your plate. If taking on more work or education would sacrifice sleep, or your mental or physical health, it’s not worth it! Take some more time to organize your life before moving onto the next step of life. However, if you’re willing to give up a few hours of sleep, or you’re ready to take on the added stress, there’s nothing stopping you!
3. Do you have the motivation?
Motivation is important for moving forward in your career. Although discipline is more important than motivation when it comes to hard work, motivation to keep moving forward will be what keeps you going!
4. Do the pros outweigh the cons?
A sure-fire way to find out if the change is right for you is to make a pros and cons list. Take into account the change in pay, cost of education, the amount of time you’ll have to dedicate to school, and if any of those factors will take away from any other important things in your life (i.e. family, traveling, budgets, etc.). If the pros outweigh the cons, get started!
Whether you’ve decided to move ahead in your career, or want to stay where you are, we have jobs for you! Take a look at our current open positions here.