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How to Negotiate Your Compensation

Negotiating your compensation is an important skill to learn in your career. You deserve to earn the salary that you’re worth! The number one reason that employees skip this step when accepting a new job is fear – whether afraid to seem greedy or reveal that you’re only accepting a job for the money, many people avoid negotiating higher pay. Here’s what to do to make sure you’re getting paid what you deserve!

1. Know Your Worth.

Before discussing pay (either during a job interview or asking your boss for a raise) look up how much similar jobs are getting paid, so you have a range of what will be acceptable to ask for. You can find similar jobs on Indeed or Glassdoor to find out what the salary ranges would be for a similar job. Make sure you look in similar locations as well – areas with a higher cost of living will often have higher pay.

2. Pick a Number Near the Top of the Range.

Always aim for a higher salary than you want! Your boss or hiring manager will most likely provide a counteroffer that is a bit lower, so give yourself some wiggle room so you can still get to the amount you really want.

3. Talk to a Recruiter.

If you need some help with figuring out a good salary range, or you need a few more tips on negotiating your salary, you can always talk to a recruiter who works in your industry. They’ll know the ins and outs of salaries, benefits, locations, and more! If you want to get in touch with one of our recruiters, you can do that here.

4. Pick a “Too Low” Number.

Pick a number to mark as the bottom of your range- be willing to walk away if they can’t negotiate above it. If they aren’t willing to work with your salary expectations, find a job that will!

5. Be Confident.

This is your job – you deserve to be paid the amount that you’re worth (and possibly more)! Be confident in your number, and your boss or hiring manager will know that you mean business. Don’t overly explain yourself or concede defeat too quickly. You can do this!

6. Don’t Mention Personal Needs.

Avoid mentioning costs like rent or childcare – these are universal issues, and they aren’t reasons that make you stand out in your boss’s mind as someone who deserves higher pay. Instead, focus on your achievements and abilities. Make sure to provide examples, such as mentioning a particularly large project you managed, or certifications you’ve earned.

7. Don’t Shame or Complain.

Avoid bashing previous jobs, coworkers, or your boss! This raise should be solely about you and your achievements. Keep it positive!

8. Don’t Offer a Range.

Avoid the word “between” – higher ups will automatically jump to the low end of your range. Instead, pick an odd number – for example, instead of $40,000, ask for $42,750. This will show you’ve done your research and know exactly what you want.

9. Don’t Be Afraid of Getting a “No”.

To move up, you’ve got to be prepared to hear “no” from time to time! This isn’t anything to fear or be ashamed of. Just keep pushing forward and keep advocating for yourself – you’ve got this!



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